What To Consider When Running With Your Dog
We found out that we could have even more fun out and about with our dogs, including going on runs, multi-tasking, walking, and so much more; that was when our Pup Republic dog business was born.

On our dog walks, we often bumped into runners with their dogs, who expressed that running with their dogs is such a freeing experience, and that's what we are all about here at Pup Republic; freedom and fun with our dogs. This was the whole inspiration behind our best-selling Pup Republic hands-free bungee dog lead, which has helped hundreds of customers to improve their posture and overall running experience with their four-legged companions.
If you have been running or are thinking about running with your dog, there are a few things to consider before jogging into your next adventure, though we know it's tempting! In this blog post, we've listed some useful tips based on these considerations:
- The age of your dog
- Your dog's breed
- Weather
- Road safety
- Staying hydrated
- Jogging with a stroller
- Running equipment
Let's get reading, woof, woof, and away!
What to Consider When Running With Your Dog
Remember to take into consideration both your and your dog’s capabilities; for example, don’t start off with a marathon. It's not a race, everyone and their dog's abilities vary.
Consider the age of your dog
It is advised to limit your puppy's exercise while they are developing. To calculate the correct amount of exercise your puppy should be getting, take the age of your dog in months and multiply it by 5 whole minutes.
For example, if your puppy is 3 months old, it should not be exercising for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Exercising over this amount can cause long-term damage to the developing puppy, even if your puppy seems happy to keep going; and they do! We would recommend that you avoid running with dogs under 1 year of age, and when it is time to go for a run with them, take it slow and steady with plenty of training.
Understand your dog's breed
Understanding the breed of your dog is an essential part of getting to know its potential, personality, and capabilities. Here are some examples:
- Herding, sporting, and working hounds will be great for long-distance running or jogging, hands-free.
- Terriers, toy breeds, and some non-working breeds would be good for slower exercise and fewer distances.
- Short-legged breeds may struggle to keep up with a jogging pace, and flat-nosed breeds may not be able to keep up with anything too strenuous, depending on their ability to take in enough air.
If you are a serious runner and are researching which dogs are best for this, here is a great guide from Runner's World which lists some of the best dog breeds for running. If you already have a dog and haven't researched it yet, it's definitely worth reading up on the abilities of your dog's breed in case you push them beyond their breed's capabilities.
Dogs don't wear trainers. It's true. On hot days, dogs can easily burn their paw pads, particularly if they walk on highways and sidewalks for long periods at a time. Be sure to check their paw pads for cracks and wear after long periods of walking on hot ground.
How do you know if it's too hot to take your dog out for a walk, jog or run?
The standard test is to place the back of your hand on the sidewalk for 5 seconds. If it is uncomfortable or burns your hand, then it's too hot for your dog's paws.
Instead of waiting for a cooler day, you can exercise with your dog early in the morning or later in the evening; summer is perfect for running at these times, and you'll often have the parks and roads to yourself, pawesome!
As an alternative to it being too hot and if you are brave enough to face the chilly weather, it's recommended to remove ice between your dog's toes and paw pads after running if it has been snowy or icy.
Road safety
Keeping your dog on the inside of the pavement away from the road will help to keep them safe from traffic. It will be helpful to teach them a sequence of road crossing commands such as "sit" at the curb, and "wait" until you say the command "cross". Safety first, always!
It is crucial to keep both yourself and your dog hydrated when you head out for a run. Your dog uses up a lot more water when learning new skills, exploring new areas, and, of course, running for longer periods versus walking. Consider taking a fold-up bowl and a full bottle of water with you, and be sure to invite your dog to drink regularly.
Jogging with a stroller
We see many people in our local community doing the school runs with their dogs and even taking their dogs on a run with a stroller, which is fantastic! This can however turn out to be an "oh no" situation, and we've seen the results when this hasn't been thought through (it's not pretty!).
If you have a dog that is strong enough to pull your stroller, then, for safety reasons, do not attach the harness to the pram. Why? If your dog sees a squirrel, they will most certainly take the baby with them!
Definitely something to avoid...
Running Equipment

Lastly, it's vital to be well-equipped when you're heading out on a running adventure with your dog, and our Pup Republic hands-free bungee dog lead makes the paw-fect running essential for more fun and freedom on your runs together. Our bungee leash is versatile and a great replacement for any regular leash, allowing you more flexibility and control when walking, exercising outdoors, and even multitasking with a stroller!
How does it work?
Your core is stronger than your hand, which makes you more balanced, and with our bungee dog lead extending 4-5 ft, your movements will be far more natural and much less stressful to the body while not pulling on your dog's collar as much as versus a regular dog lead.
For extra safety and comfort, our bungee dog leash works best when attached to a dog's harness to avoid any neck injuries that pulling on a collar could cause if you’re running fast.
Our top tip is to start the training at home before heading out into the real world. How exciting?
We hope these tips helped you prepare for running with your dog. Remember to take it slow; it's not a race. Just know that you and your dog will be em-"barking" on adventures with endless possibilities safely and flexibly with the right equipment to assist you both.
We wish you a wonderful time on your next pawesome adventure!
If you have any questions about our hands-free bungee leashes, don't hesitate to reach out to us and woof away. We'd be delighted to help.
Nicky, Caroline & The Pups x